Burnout & Stress Coaching for Leaders

Managers, executives, entrepreneurs, and other leaders all feel the pressure to care for their direct reports as well as themselves.

This can lead to ongoing workplace stress and ultimately, debilitating burnout. But this burnout doesn’t have to take hold and dominate your life.  You don’t have to fight it so hard.

That’s where I come in! I’m Jessica Lueck, PhD, and I specialize in helping leaders like you recognize when you’re on the path to burnout, stop it in its tracks, and reclaim the joy and excitement you once had in your work!

Burnout & Stress Coaching for Leaders

Do You Need Help With
Leadership Burnout?

Burnout & Stress Coaching for Leaders

Do you feel stuck in life? Do you feel depleted, like it’s hard to get up in the morning? Do you dread Monday’s especially? Is it hard having to ensure your direct reports and employees have what they need and their workload is well managed – but never find the opportunity to make sure it’s true for you, too?  Are you always putting on a happy face?

These are all telltale signs of workplace and career burnout.

Burnout can be exhausting, draining, debilitating, and turn an otherwise fulfilling career into a chore.  It can also make a productive, engaging, great leader, into a version of themselves they don’t recognize (low performance, short fuse, disengaged, poor example).

For leaders, whether they’re executive, middle manager, an entrepreneur or anywhere in the chain of command (shout out to moms), being a leader was difficult enough even before the pandemic – and now it’s near impossible to compartmentalize work priorities, being a great boss, and life. What was normal is now not. Being a leader comes with added responsibility, added pressure, added strength, etc. etc. So, not being able to shoulder that load while ensuring your own work and life is fulfilling isn’t a failing. It’s normal.

If the things I said above sound familiar, those are telltale signs that you’re on the path to workplace and life burnout – if you’re not there already.  
I know what burnout looks like, because I’ve been there myself (and now I’ve been studying it for a decade).

Know this: When it comes to dealing with it, you’re far from alone. And burnout doesn’t happen overnight; people who look smart, capable, put-together might be struggling with it without anyone knowing. But masking this stress isn’t sustainable, long-term - and its easier to treat before it gets really bad.

Burnout and Stress Coach

Hi, I’m Jess!

Jessica Lueck, PhD
The Burnout Psychologist – Stress Management Coaching

I’m a business psychologist and integrated career and life coach who specializes in helping leaders tackle their stress and get rid of their burnout – for good. My unique east-meets-west approach delivers faster and more permanent results when it comes to mastering burnout and workplace dissatisfaction. 

Let me share with you a few things I’ve learned about burnout:

Burnout isn’t exclusive to the workplace - people burnout on life (because “when it rains, it pours” and we experience stress in all of our life domains - family, love, career, to name a few!)

Burnout might develop over time, but the crash-and-burn phase usually doesn’t. It feels sudden, appearing out of nowhere. It impacts your job, your relationships, your finances, your values, your freedom. You often feel ashamed and guilty for not asking for more help earlier. 

Burnout is a soul killer. It’s sneaky and conniving. You blame symptoms and treat them with band-aids. But you’re not getting to the root causes of what’s causing this dissatisfaction and turmoil. 

The Bottom Line On Burnout: I’m Here To Help

Burnout is more than feeling stressed. It’s a signal, your body trying to tell you something is out of whack.

The way to overcome burnout isn’t by ignoring it, it’s by listening to it.

And, I can teach you how. My life mission is helping people get to know their burnout triggers and how to fix the underlying problems, so that they can get rid of this exhaustion, despair, and frustration – for good. 

If you or someone on your team is on the path to or already experiencing burnout, shoot me a message using the form below.

“Jess helped me when other coaches couldn’t. I was about to give up and then I started working with Jess. She helped me see what was at the core of my stress and address those triggers both in my past memories and in what was currently going on, so I don’t react the same way anymore.”

—Lisa Y.

“Working with Jess was really eye-opening for me. It helped me to get some perspective on how it is I gain satisfaction and energy from my professional and personal environments as well as those things that create the opposite experience for me.”

—Bridgette B.

“Jessica brings an incredible amount of knowledge in psychology, corporate optimization and interpersonal skills to the table. She provides her clients with exceptional analysis and guidance that you can tell comes from a place of care and concern. She is honest and doesn’t shy away from providing valuable feedback.”

—Cheryl B.