Seasoned Careerists Shift Their Focus.

Later in life and career, it’s typical to consider a purpose in work — and how to give back. It’s also typical to decide you’re not doing certain things anymore in the workplace.

I help people navigate these transitions and help them plan to end their careers feeling fulfilled.

Common Concerns of Seasoned Careerists

Seasoned careerists typically experience life changes that prompt a reset on the thinking about career needs (e.g., kids grow up, less money is needed, retirement is mostly planned for, values shift to encompass more quality time and flexibility needs, etc.):

  • Am I valued enough in my job?

  • Is my job worth the tradeoffs any longer?

  • What do I need to feel happy working?

  • How much longer do I need to work?

  • When I leave my career, what do I want to have to show for it?

  • I have had a long career; how do I give back? Should I consider a role change, leadership, or other mentorship work?

  • Have I done enough? Am I proud of what I have accomplished?

Often in this career phase, it’s about planning for next stages, happiness at the end of the career, and ensuring retirement is thought about and planned for as a positive reality.

Career Consulting to Reduce Burnout

It’s never too early, or too late, to take charge of your career health.

By your later career, you’re focusing on different things — how to get the last meaningful role, give back to your industry, and plan for a satisfying retirement.

Through my anti-burnout consulting programs, I teach people the simple formula to choose the right career options for them.

Show up for yourself.